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3D Flight Simulator Stunts
3D Flight Simulator Stunts
This is a 3D Flight Simulator Flying Game where you are in charge of a single propeller Plane and you have to fly over San Francisco, completing various stunt missions etc. Put on your aviators and grab your fur-lined jacket - it's time to fly in this realistic aerobatics flight simulator! Using the joystick and speed button, guide your plane through the air and successfully fly through the obstacles to win! Impress the ladies with your amazing stunts - but don't crash! Choose to invert the y-axis for a more realistic experience flight simulation game!
Arrows to fly.
Space for boost
Date added: Feb 28, 2015
Category: Sports
Played: 2 times today and 3812 times total
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Game Comments
Name: megan
Date added: Mar 1, 2015
You are so totally my hero Big Dog.
Name: rachael
Date added: Mar 1, 2015
Thanks Big Dog, you handsome man.
Name: Rod
Date added: Mar 1, 2015
We added a new game called 3D Flight Simulator Stunts. We hope you enjoy it.
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